Covid-19 has taken a toll of each and everyone of us. We are isolated from our compeers so we decided to have a virtual meeting. We were thrilled to have 26 members sign in for the usual club meeting. Anthem and Aria demonstrated how when they perform online it is very important that the magic works on their screen and also on their audience’s screen as well. They performed Forgotten Princess by Alexander Marsch for their first trick. They also talked about lighting, sound, cameras and software.
James Lopez performed a 5 red and 5 black card trick from the book Verbal Magic from Juan Tamariz’s magic book.
Gregg Tobo had a spectator hold a small object in one of their hands and they could either lie or tell the truth. If they were to lie, they had to continue to lie for the remainder of the trick. Same thing if they decided to tell the truth. He successfully told the virtual audience member which hand held the object. Next, Gregg texted his prediction to a friend. Then he had a member pick a number only known to him, add, subtract, multiply and divide to that number. The end result was the number 409. (Not the cleaner!) Wow, that was the date of our virtual meeting, April 9, 4-09! Amazing.
Young members Collin Toepfer performed a couple of rope tricks. Paige performed the cups and balls and a mentalist card effect.
Mentalist Mark Strivings performed an effect by Karl Fulves, and modified it to make the Ouija Spell trick work better for his needs.
For our first Virtual Corona Virus Meeting it was well received by the members who logged in.