Mario The Maker hosted an electronic workshop in Denver this month and every participant went home with a dancing toy that we dissected to make move at our command. We learned a little coding, how to solder, and how to make anything electronic work in magic!
We also had two of our local restaurant pros teach us the in’s and outs of their business. Our MC was Gene Gordon and Dennis Michaels and Shawn Preston showed how they approach a table, what tricks they perform, and why easy resetting is very important. Dennis and Shawn both have different styles of walk around. Both say, they help out with long waits, entertain guests, get to work on new acts, and never approach a table where the patrons are eating, have menus or after dessert.
Another fun lecture we had was our own local magician, David Neighbors (aka the Coinjurer). Dave is known as one of the top coin magicians in the world. His coin magic is so visual and pure that it draws gasps of amazement from laypeople and fellow magicians alike. He is also and author of many books on coin magic and coin boxes.
He has a reputation as a prolific creator of new and innovative coin magic. On his birthday he had a special lecture for Colorado magicians. Dave shared some of his most treasured secrets, many of the miracles he taught were within reach of the beginning/intermediate coin magician, and there were a few non-coin effects that he taught us as well!