Well, we finally met in person! Yippee! We had our Holliday Banquet the end of December and had about forty people show up for food and magic. Gene Gordon was our Emcee and plucked coins out of the air, vanished them, then pulled a saucer out of his knee. Bubbles appeared and then turned into a glass sphere. Gene performed a Cut and Restored Rope, Egg Bag routine and a very nice Linking Ring routine using three rings. Lastly, he had a paper bag that when inverted had a paper ribbon flow out of it.

William Rader had a spectator hold an envelope with a pre written script inside. After the objects were selected, they script correctly stated what object would be in which place. William also performed a nice cards across.

Colin Toeper performed a nice Hot Rod routines explaining how Santa knows if you are on the Naughty or Nice Christmas list.

Stuart Hayner pulled out four Aces from a shuffled deck of cards all from a different part of the deck. During a drum roll, the second trick had a selected card pulled from the deck only using only one of Stuart’s hands! Unfortunately it was the wrong card but using an Insurance policy the correct card was found.

Glenn Proulx performed Steve Fearson’s Anti-Gravity box and levitated in front of all. Using an umbrella and fan, along with the help of the audience’s waving their napkins he successfully levitated.

Incoming new President John Luong did a salt pour and vanished a signed $100 bill, which ended up inside a bill tube. John also had two die on a pedestal change places.