Magic has always put a smile on my face but it wasn’t until I went on a quest to create a bigger street show that I truly dove deeper into becoming a real magician. ince I was little I have been performing in plays, so the performing part of magic is the easiest part for me. And I have also been performing full time (including winters) as the Improv Poet on the Pearl Street Mall. Then Santa got word about my improv poetry and he named me his Official North Pole Poet Laureate.

Two years ago in my quest for a bigger street show I attended Jeff McBride’s “Focus on Street Magic”. I realized then that it was doable for me to actually be a magician. So last summer I spoke with Gregg Tobo about going out to Pearl Street and developing a huge magic street show and he was in. We took turns doing our magic shows, gathering crowds, succeeding, failing, astonishing people and giving each other notes. My show and magic has gotten better and better, thanks to practicing and the help of Gregg.

My favorite type of magic is illusions that tell a story. I love that surprised joyful look people get when they see a “miracle”. I also really like my audience to join in and do a type of magic call and response. But most of all I like performing a show where both myself and the audience has an amazing experience.

Since busking is surprisingly non-essential ;), lately I have been working on learning more magic. I have also done a virtual poetry-gram for a family’s Easter. And would love to do more virtual poetry-grams, as well as work on a virtual kid’s magic show.

I believe that magic can remind us in times like these that joy and astonishment are gifts of being alive.
