Table Magic

Table Magic Night was filled with many members volunteering to perform magic tricks or gags that could be performed after dinner with friends and family. Glenn Proulx did the linking paper clips with a bill or piece of paper, how to lift an empty beer bottle with a...

September 2017

**** Important:  October 9th Keith Fields Lecture at RiverPointe Our September Close-up Competition was a lot of fun, and had a couple of new members perform.  Steve Davis performed a trick using large index cards where some cards were blank, some had holes, and some...

Secretary Report – August 2017

Please make a note:  Keith Fields lecture Monday Oct, 9th at Riverpointe 7pm. Our August Teach-In by members had a good turn out. Greg Tobbo did a spectacular job teaching us his linking ring routine. He took parts from Dai Vernon and from watching others in person an...

Secretary Report July

The Trevor Duffy lecture was a lot of fun. Trevor taught us how to double our money at any given moment and how to change paper into money. A spectators signed card ended up in Trevor’s pocket then disappeared and ended up in his other pocket which had been clipped...

June is for Mentalism

Mentalism night, who would have thought that eleven members would perform and 23 would show up? Only the mentalist! Elliott Baskin had his helper say stop and then he cut a paper in half. On the other side it was cut on the prediction ‘cut here’. Glenn Proulx did a...