Secretary Report – August 2016

Our summer BBQ was a lot of fun and we had a wonderful turnout.  Performers included Matt Brandt who performed with coins and a string, Dave Neighbors performed his wonderful coins across routine, Jean-Luc caught snaps in mid air, Steve Davis made blue backed cards...

Secretary Report – July 2016

July is the month that we have a show for residents at RiverPointe for letting us use their community room for our meetings.  We had a standing room only turnout, what fun! Rodney Wayne Housley performed a wonderful cups and balls routine. Our next performer was Joe...

Secretary Report – May 2016

William Rader suggested that you have 8-10 tricks that pack small and play big, resets quickly for your walk around magic and he talked how he approaches a table and suggests having a sign in the lobby so patrons will know there is a magician in house. He also...

Secretary Report – April 2016

Duane Laflin and Mary came to the Mile High City this month and did a lecture for our club. It was a fun and extremely educational as he had a bunch of fun, entertaining, and great magic effects that would work for all magicians and performers.  Duane did his growing...

Secretary Report – March 2016

Our Annual Flea Market was another night of fun for the Mile High Magicians. Crowds showed up to sell or buy magic and we had two new members signed up that night!  We had 12 sellers and lots of magicians came together to buy used, dusty, no longer magic treasures,...

Secretary Report – February 2016

This February we had our annual Past Presidents Night.  It was fun and seven of our Past Presidents performed some amazing magic for us.  Dan Rodriguez, Andrew Bates, Chris Manos, Gene Gordon, Sharon Nuanes, Matt Brandt, and Brad Montgomery! Also, in February David...