Thank You Show

Ten of our members performed at the Thank You show at our free meeting place. We perform a yearly show to the residents at the Riverpointe Senior Center in Littleton, CO for letting us have our meeting room. Steve Davis did an amazing rope routine to music, then...

Close-up Contest

Our MC was Gene Gordon, who made coins jump across and end up in a glass, and he did a fun cards across where the extra cards ended up on the chair the spectator was sitting on! We had twenty-four members show up for our Annual close-up contest this year with nine of...

March Report 2018

The annual Flea Market was another fun night in Denver. We had a wonderful turnout with many friends and members coming to buy, sell and trade from Greeley, Colorado springs, Ft. Collins and Sedgewick to pick up new or gently new magic tricks. There were magic sets,...

Plastic Night & Sal Piacente

Plastic Night was at the beginning of the month and we ended with Sal’s lecture. Bruce and Kitty Spangler started us off with Plastic Night. They had a plastic balloon holder and when we concentrated our powers the balloon popped on its own! Matt Brandt performed a...

Past President’s Night

Newly elected president Andrew Bates introduced last years President, Matt Brandt. Matt had a few Presidential commendations to award members who attended 10 or more meetings this past year. Recipients were Yuy Gordon, Steve Davis (In coming VP), John Luong, Bruce and...

December Banquet

Our end of the year Banquet had over 70 friends and family of our Mile High Magicians’ Society in attendance. It was fun evening with a nice buffet dinner and eight performers providing the entertainment. Past National President Dan Rodriguez was our MC for the...